Mortared Paving

Mortared Paving

Downtown Aspen

The City of Aspen launched a downtown enhancement and pedestrian master plan to improve streets in the downtown core with different levels of pedestrian and vehicular use. A two-block zone was selected as a construction prototype, testing the design’s effectiveness. The Danish Hand Mould pavers create a unique streetscape based on historic precedents. Varying thicknesses were used to accommodate the pedestrian and vehicular needs of the streets.


Mortared paving installation diagram


  1. Clay Pavers
  2. Setting Bed
  3. Joint with Sand or Mortar
  4. Wearing Course
  5. Specified Edge Restraint
  6. Compacted Base
  7. Compacted Subgrade
  8. Geotextile (If Required)


Photo of specific mortared paving materials used in Downtown Aspen

Photo of specific mortared paving materials used in Downtown Aspen

Photo of specific mortared paving materials used in Downtown Aspen

Photo of specific mortared paving materials used in Downtown Aspen